Club Ethos

“Run Together, Compete with Spirit, Thrive as Community”

  • At Harrogate Harriers & AC, the essence of our ethos is captured in our strapline: 'Run Together, Compete with Spirit, Thrive as Community'. This embodies our core beliefs and the experience we strive to provide for every member.

  • 'Run Together' signifies our inclusive approach, welcoming runners of all abilities and backgrounds with open arms, encouraging everyone to embrace the joy of running and share it with one another.

  • 'Compete with spirit' reflects our passion for healthy competition, where we push our limits and strive for personal bests, not just against others, but also against ourselves.

  • Finally, 'Thrive as Community' is our cornerstone. It is our dream of a united community that thrives not just through shared goals, but through shared journeys and triumphs. A community where every cheer, every word of encouragement, and every shared mile becomes the thread that weaves a resilient, supportive tapestry not just in running but with other community groups.

  • This is our vision. “A place where togetherness and inclusivity, spirited competition, and a thriving community converge, creating a running club that doesn't just exist in the present but leaps towards a vibrant, connected, and empowered future."

  • Our Commitment to Run Together: Inclusivity

    We welcome all runners, fostering a fun, friendly, and safe environment that embraces diversity in abilities, backgrounds, and experiences.

    We prioritise the safety and wellbeing of every member, implementing safeguarding policies and practices that protect all participants, especially vulnerable groups.

    We strive to make running enjoyable and accessible to everyone, offering guidance, support, and safeguarding resources to runners at all levels.

  • Our Passion for Competition

    We encourage healthy competition in a fair and safe environment, fostering a spirit of striving for personal bests while upholding the highest standards of sportsmanship.

    We celebrate achievements, both individual and collective, recognising that every milestone is a victory in the spirit of fair play and safety.

    We promote integrity and ethical conduct in all competitive endeavours, ensuring a level playing field and safe participation for all.

    We understand that not everyone wants to compete formally but furthering oneself and being the healthiest they can be is the goal. The club provides opportunities for this.

  • Our Dedication to Community

    We commit to promoting physical fitness, mental wellbeing, and safety through regular group runs, training sessions, and fitness activities.

    We engage in activities that strengthen our bonds, contribute to the overall health of our members, and ensure a safe environment for everyone. We support activities through the club, ‘outside’ the club and encourage support of other community organisations.

    We support each other in pursuing fitness and wellbeing goals, sharing expertise, motivation, and a commitment to safeguarding in a collaborative atmosphere.