Runner Safety

ICE Cards and Spond

Harrogate Harriers want you to be safe whilst out on club sessions. During the darker months Hi-Viz clothing and Head Torches are essential: no appropriate kit - NO RUN.

Please be prepared and, if your run leader isn't happy with how visible you are, accept their decision!

Furthermore, by carrying essential information on you we know who to contact if something goes wrong. The club is promoting a club ICE card (In Case or Emergency Card). 

These can be carried on person or given to your run leader. Ideally the run leader should know you are carrying the card, otherwise you should have registered on Spond (or both). If you don’t have a smartphone to get the Spond App please discuss this with us so we can advise you on the options. This won’t generally be a problem but we would like to know so we can agree on a process to keep you and the club protected (generally an ICE card will be used). 

The downloads for ICE cards are available here:

ICE card pdf download (preferred): ICE-cards-HH-v2.[1] ©HH2023

ICE card word download: ICE-cards-HH-v1-4 ©HH2023

Please note this isn't so we can store information about you unnecessarily and you only share the information you wish to be visible for use in an emergency. Any card is returned to you at the end of a session. 

We are also using Spond (recommended and approved by England Athletics) to help manage club runs, you can sign up here: Spond. This is free. It enables run leaders to manage their sessions and access emergency contact information and medical information you have chosen to share in case of emergency only. There is an info sheet here on how to use: Spond Instructions. If you need the access code you can ask your run leader or email one of the committee. 

If you are coming to training to try Harrogate Harriers out for a bit, please complete an ICE card and discuss this with your run leader rather than using Spond for now and we will provide the sign up code once you have made a decision if you wish to join the club.